
1 September 2020    
10:00 - 10:45

Social selling – the virtual sales pitch with Camilla Long

Part 1 Tuesday 1st September 10.00am – 10.45am and  Part 2 Tuesday September 8th 10.00am to 11.30am*.

Venue: Online

Registrations close at 12 noon on Monday 30th  August or when the event reaches capacity, whichever is sooner.

Cost for Part 1 and Part 2: £99 (members) £149 (non-members)

Social selling is no longer something that’s nice to have– it’s become an essential strategy for new business.   When your sales teams get in front of their prospect it’s no longer face-to-face. Virtual sales meetings are the new normal. For most people that means tearing up the old playbook and rewriting the rules.  Attend this course to revolutionise your virtual sales pitch and make sure that your customers sit up and take notice.

* Expect to spend time between sessions developing your own sales pitch