With the Go succeed NI expert business advice resource now led by Northern Ireland’s eleven local councils, Derry and Strabane District Council have launched a new bus Superside campaign across Northern Ireland featuring multiple designs.

From digital marketing to boosting performance and scaling up the team, each design aims to inspire budding entrepreneurs and business start-ups, directing them to Go Succeed NI for tailored support and guidance to help achieve their business goals.

Derry and Strabane District Council have enlisted the help of unmissable bus Supersides to raise awareness of the program with this new province wide campaign that also crucially features an easy to remember call-to-action.

The ability of bus advertising to reach a mobile connected audience with a means to take immediate action is evidenced by Global’s All Eyes on Bus study whereby 97% of responses came via participants using a mobile device.

With the wide appeal, and suitability, of the Go Succeed NI program, bus advertising is an inclusive medium and provides the perfect broadcast medium to take the message to a host of diverse audience demographics.

For more information on this campaign, or bus advertising visit www.global.com/ni or contact Jenny Young at jenny.young@global.com