On Thursday 11 March, Derry City and Strabane District Council are holding their Covid Recovery Business Engagement Event from 09.00am-10.00am.

This event invites the local Derry and Strabane business community to give their input to the Street Life Regeneration proposals. The Council are seeking the business community’s feedback on the proposed interventions to encourage people to come back into the Council area’s city and town centres when restrictions ease.

The Business Engagement session will be hosted online and will include a presentation of the proposals and a wider discussion about the plans.

The event will feature perspectives from Jim Roddy, Chief Executive of City Centre Initiative, Tony Monaghan and Jacqueline Whoriskey of the DCSDC, Paul McNaught from the Department of Communities and Chris Upson of OGU Architects before entering into an open discussion. Closing remarks will be given by our Chamber CEO Paul Clancy.

To register, please visit the following LINK