
4 February 2020    
10:00 - 11:30

Land & Property Services (LPS) has just completed a revaluation of all 74,000 business properties in Northern Ireland for rates purposes.

The valuation of every business property will now be in line with April 2018 rental values. These new values will be used to calculate rate bills for businesses from April 2020.

LPS has released a draft schedule of valuations online on 7th January.

This will allow ratepayers and their representatives to see their new valuations as early as possible and to talk with LPS about their valuation, if necessary, before it is used to calculate their rate bill from 1 April 2020.

LPS and Londonderry Chamber of Commerce are hosting an information session at 10am on Tuesday 4th February at the Chamber Offices to allow business ratepayers to find out more about the revaluation process.

There will be a short presentation about revaluation, followed by a question and answer session. LPS valuation staff will also be on-hand afterwards to deal with individual questions.

For more information
Visit www.finance-ni.gov.uk/reval-2020-ni where you can find out more about revaluation.