Growth Through Innovation: Problem Prioritisation and Ideation


8 November 2022    
10:00 - 13:00

Event Type

If you were asked you to do something innovative, what would you create? Is there a problem that needs to be solved? Ester Dyson summed this up in her contribution to a short article in Harvard Business Review: “Don’t innovate, solve problems”

Choosing the right problems to address is key to the success of any innovation.

During the Covid-19 pandemic many organisations looked at how they could continue to operate and serve their customers in restricted lockdown environments, such as restaurants offering takeaway or cook at home recipes, blind companies making face shields and PPE and engineering firms creating ventilation units for hospitals – all of which solved problems.
Problem Prioritisation and Ideation
Delivered by Innovate UK EDGE Northern Ireland, this workshop will equip you with:

1. The tools to help you to identify which problems you want to solve to generate more ideas and more optimal solutions both for your business and your customers.
2. The techniques to narrow down your ideas to the most viable options that you can take forward to develop within your business
3. The support available to help you move forward

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