The Flexi-Furlough will close on 31st October
What Does Flexi-Furlough Mean
From 1st July employers who do not have enough work to bring their staff back on their full normal working hours can ask staff to work some hours during the week and the employee will be placed on flexi-furlough for the remaining hours. Flexi-Furlough is only available for eligible staff.
From 1st July you may have a combination of employees on Furlough for all their normal hours, some staff who are doing a combination of working some hours and flexi-furlough for some hours and other staff who have returned to work on their normal working hours.
[Just ensure you have used a fair and transparent selection process where you have a combination of
the above in place, in the event employees challenges who is doing what you can stand over your
decisions and is not discriminatory
Read more here Flexi-Furlough Re-cap Guide – 5th October 2020
Also please check out ConsultHR’s helpful FAQs for employers 5.10.20 – Employer’s Guide Following Increase In CV Numbers and Further Restrictions
Londonderry Chamber