Over the past six months, Frylite, in conjunction with Square Box Consultancy, have been running an in-house ‘Managers for the Future’ programme.

With talent retention a key challenge for employers in today’s labour market, Frylite decided to invest in their own talent to meet future business needs.

Eamon McCay, Managing Director of the company said: “Frylite is lucky to have such enthusiastic people who have a passion for the business and want to be part of its success. It has been exciting to see individuals develop and grow.”

The dynamic and interactive programme covered leadership skills, team dynamics and managing people culminating in the managers working on improvement projects that looked at enhancing Frylite’s carbon neutral status, employee well-being and product up-selling.

Shauna Mitchell, HR Director for Frylite commented: “Working on these projects really pushed our young managers out of their comfort zones and gave them the confidence to work in other areas within the business. This has been a win-win all round.”

Many of the business improvements ideas are now being implemented and running this programme has helped Frylite identify its key players and grow its own talent pool.