The Chamber Learning Centre offers close to 50 short online courses, covering compliance areas such as Health & Safety, Fire Safety, Manual Handling etc but there is also much more than that on offer. There are many courses for users own personal development and the Learning Centre can be accessed 24/7, making it very flexible and easy to use. Courses can be completed at any time and can be paused and picked up again from any device.

We add new courses each month e.g. this month we have uploaded  a Diversity in the Workplace and LGBT+ Awareness short courses to coincide with International Pride Month, and there are relevant additional articles and blog topics too.

If you have already signed up, we hope you are getting the most out of your learning journey and are keen to hear what you think about the courses available and any new topic suggestions you may have.

Interested to hear more? Contact Anna at

You can watch our LMS training video here: LINK