The President’s charity for our 62nd Annual President’s Dinner has been confirmed as the Liberty Consortium at the Playtrail.

The Liberty Consortium at the Playtrail is an inclusive play and educational facility, providing a range of self-led and programmed opportunities for all. Their work involves providing inclusive programmes for young people aged 15-25 years with learning disabilities, autism, sensory and physical disabilities.

Their programmes, which operate over five days a week, three evenings and on weekends, aim to engage young people with disabilities, increase their skills, confidence and independence, and ensure they are socially accepted and included in their community, as well as having future goals and aspirations.

The programmes are delivered through the HUB programme, the BUD Club, Project Sparks and the ACT project. They currently offer over 250 places per week for young people with disabilities, who would normally be at home if these programmes did not exist.  The young people benefit physically, emotionally and socially, and it supports parents and families.

Tea in the Park is their most recent venture. It is a social enterprise set up to provide young people with disabilities meaningful volunteering opportunities and training to enhance their personal development and support them into the world of work.

Anne Marie Donnelly, Transition Services Manager, commented: “At ‘Tea in the Park’ we believe in providing young people with disabilities with the correct support and training in order to access volunteering opportunities (7 days a week) that builds their confidence and capacity to seek employment.”

For more information on the Liberty Consortium visit: