Export success leads to new jobs at Joule Group
Technical fire engineering services specialist, Joule Group is winning new business in United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar following R&D
DFE will be advertising an open competition to recruit 6 new members to the Invest NI Board on 7 & 8 November 2019 in the three main local papers. The process involves an application form and interview process. Appointments are made on merit and applications are welcome from all sections of society.
The appointments begin in February 2019 and attract remuneration of £12,240 a year (under review). The time commitment is approximately three days per month including monthly board meetings, ad hoc committee meetings and attendance at occasional evening engagements. There may also be some overseas travel.
It is important that people from a wide range of backgrounds take up public appointments so that the Boards of public bodies reflect the rich diversity of our society and better understand the needs of the communities they serve.
Applications from women, people with a disability and those from ethnic minority communities would be particularly welcome.
An application pack with full details and guidance may be obtained from https://www.economy-ni.gov.uk/department-economy-public-appointments or;
DFE’s Public Appointments Unit, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast BT4 2JP
Email: pau@economy-ni.gov.uk Telephone: (Yvonne Green) 028 9052 9282 Text Relay: 18001 028 9052 9282 or Janet McCrum (028) 9052 9492 Text Relay 18001 028 9052 9492 from Thursday 7 November 2019.
Application packs can be made available in other formats upon request.
The closing date for applications is 5.00pm on Friday 29 November 2019. Late applications will not be accepted.
Equality of Opportunity: The Department is committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. The Department is also committed to equality of opportunity and welcomes application forms from all suitably qualified applicants irrespective of religious belief, gender, race, political opinion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or whether or not they have dependants.
The Department is operating the Guaranteed Interview Scheme in this competition for applicants with a disability. Applicants with a disability who meet all of the criteria at the sift stage will automatically be guaranteed an interview.